
shoes made with recycled materials ACBC

We present you our new shoes made with recycled materials

Are you looking for shoes made with recycled materials? Do you know that by carefully choosing a pair of shoes you can make a gesture of great impact on the environment? Every time seasons change and we take off clothes and shoes that we no longer wear, we create nothing but mountains of waste. Throwing shoes in the dumpster, because they are too used or out of fashion, is an action that many people do. This has a destructive effect on our planet. But throwing away clothes and shoes every time they get damaged or to follow the latest trends...

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eco-sustainable shoes ACBC

Why choose eco-sustainable shoes in 2021

Our planet is subjected to continuous stresses that make the future increasingly uncertain for the next generations. The use of plastics and polluting materials is creating irreversible damage to the environment, and the only contribution we can make is to make more informed choices. One of the starting points is to change the way we make our purchasing decisions. In recent years, many people have started turning to greener companies and have adopted sustainability as a lifestyle. It is all about choosing products by focusing attention on the raw materials used and the production process. Price and quality, therefore, no...

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How to create customized shoes

How to create customized shoes

A shoe is not simply an accessory. It is an element that tells something about you, about your nature. For this, it must be perfectly matched to your clothing style as well as to your character. If most brands force you to buy shoes that don't fully convince you, with ACBC you won't have to worry about this problem anymore. Find out now how to create custom shoes that enhance your way of being.

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How to choose running shoes

How to choose running shoes

The moment you walk into a shop (or open the webpage of an online shop) where running shoes are sold, you are faced with a huge choice. How to choose the right shoe? For a moment you might be drawn to the ability to choose your new running shoe based on the color. We are here to stop you from making serious mistakes like this. Aesthetic taste is certainly not to be discarded a priori, but it is the last criterion by which to make an informed purchase. While the styles may all look similar to you, we can assure...

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